Build a strong squad by using appraisal and automation pipelines to communicate, assess, recruit and onboard.

Define & manage self-appraisal and assessments
Post job vacancies on Coach's Companion

Post jobs and track vacancies

Looking for a new coach, official, referee or team member? Recruitment and onboarding doesn’t need to be stressful – or expensive! Take advantage of free access to our recruitment section, including advertising vacancies, opportunities and events, with your subscription.

Candidates can self-register on Coach’s Companion for free. They’ll have access to complete the application process online, with automated progression and feedback keeping them in the loop.

Automate assessments and candidate vetting

Want to find the best candidate, but you’re low on time? We hear you.

With Coach’s Companion, you can automate assessments to qualify or disqualify your candidates. Then, progress them along your pipeline as they tick the right boxes. It’s easy, efficient and accurate – and hands you only the best candidates from your pool of applicants.


Simplify the hiring process with automation of assessments and candidate vetting
Streamline your recruitment process with Coach's Companion

Define your own pipelines

Streamline your recruitment process by tailoring the pipeline to suit your needs. Coach’s Companion gives you the flexibility to use a standard pipeline or build one that works for you.

Include assessments to automate progress, or manually review progress at each step, like screening, phone, video or face-to-face interviews – the choice is all yours.


Start building your team.

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